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Tara Westover, Educated, Westover family, butterfly express essential oils, val westover, book educated by tara westover, tara westover brother, tara westover siblings

Essential Oil Blends

Tara Westover, Educated, Westover family, butterfly express essential oils, val westover, book educated by tara westover, tara westover brother, tara westover siblings

Learn about Essential Oils


Essential oils smell nice.  We don’t claim they will heal or cure any ailment – we are not doctors.  If you like essential oils and want to buy them to do anything other than give fragrance, that is up to you.  We are providing a place to buy them, and are passing on information we have found online that you might like.



Website by Gecko Gully

Tara Westover, Educated, Westover family, butterfly express essential oils, val westover, book educated by tara westover, tara westover brother, tara westover siblings

Disclaimer: This site is not owned or operated by Butterfly Express or Butterfly Expressions. Gecko Gully is a verified promotional partner and may receive compensation on any purchases via this website. Thank you.