LeTranquility Essential Oil Blend
LeTranquility Essential Oil Blend
LeTranquility promotes relaxation, relieves anxiety, stress, tension, and depression. LeTranquility can help us develop inner strength, patience, understanding, and confidence.
The aroma of LeTranquility has been known to reduce or eliminate panic attacks and other anxiety-based disorders. This essential oil blend is the first thing you should reach for whenever someone is having a panic attack. More times than not, LeTranquility will stop the attack completely. This is a great blend for any type of anxiety disorder.
LeTranquility is useful as a sleep aid, especially when the problem is “mind chatter” that just won’t quit. Instead of sleeping, even though we need sleep badly, we lay there reviewing the past day in our minds or making plans for tomorrow. LeTranquility helps us take a step back from a situation so that we may come to a fuller understanding of all aspects of the situation. From this perspective we are usually able to see solutions to our dilemmas more easily.