Lavender Officinalis Essential Oil
Lavender Officinalis Essential Oil
One of the great emotional gifts of Lavender Officinalis essential oil is the feeling of total and unchanging support around us. It leaves us with no room for doubt that we are loved and will be supported in life’s challenges and in the process of healing. Lavender promotes faith, even in the hard times.
Lavender Officinalis brings balance between masculine and feminine energies and traits.
Lavender Officinalis essential oil is a gentle, but effective, sedative and nervine it can bring relief from anxiety, panic, hysteria, emotional and mental fatigue, headaches, migraines and insomnia.
Lavender essential oil can be used for nearly all skin conditions. It can be applied to cuts, sunburns, burns, rashes, dermatitis, eczema and insect bites.
Consistent use of lavender with burns and injuries minimizes scarring.
Lavender Officinalis, usually as a part of a blend, is often used to prevent or remedy conditions of dandruff and hair loss.
Lavender Officinalis essential oil is antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-spasmodic, making it effective for muscle strains, cramps and wound healing.
Lavender essential oil is wonderfully calming in small amounts, but can be stimulating if used in too large of a quantity or too often. This is especially true with babies and small children.
Which lavender should I use?
Lavender officinalis often called lavender 40/42 is the Lavender of choice for making products such as soaps, perfumes, and candles. The 40/42 refers to the balance of Linalool and Linalyl in the oil. These levels are reached by mixing batches of Lavender oil together to get the right ratio.
This gives Lavender officinalis a stronger aroma that is consistent from batch to batch. It also means Lavender 40/42 is considered a standardized oil rather than a pure oil. So while it is still a therapeutic Lavender it is regarded as less therapeutic than other varieties.
Lavender angustifolia is the more therapeutic Lavender. It has a softer, prettier smell than the officinalis.